
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fruity Nutty Cake

Merry Christmas and happy new year.Blogging has drastically came down this year did only 56 post.Not getting much time on the net, busy with the kids and other things.Hope i will be regular in the coming year.Coming to today post i made this cake for Christmas.Usually i bake my cake in microwave convention mode.When my batter was ready to be kept in the microwave,my microwave stopped working.Then i gave my batter to my neighborhood baker.Though he was busy with christmas he baked the cake for me and it came out very well.I got the recipe from Hindu newspaper.Here goes the recipe:-


Maida/All purpose flour 200gms
Eggs 4
Sugar 100 gms
Caramelised sugar 100gms
Butter 200gms
Baking powder 1 ½ tsp
Vanilla essence 1 tsp
Almond essence 1tsp
Lemon essence 1 tsp
Coffee 1 tsp (dissolved in half cup of water)
Dry fruits (Kismis,dates,apricots,tutti-frutti and nuts) ¼ kg chopped
Red wine 2 tsp
Mixed fruit jam 2 tbsp
Garam masala powder 1 tsp
Nutmeg powder ½ tsp
Fennel powder ½ tsp
Salt ½ tsp


Caramalise 100gms sugar (Take sugar in a thick bottom pan.Heat it until the sugar melts and colour changes to brown colour.Add 4-5 tbsp of water and switch off the fire)Let it rest until use.

Chop all the nuts and sprinkle dry powder on them.This make the nuts not to sink to the bottom of the cake pan.

Beat sugar and butter together.Add egg and beat until fluffy.

Mix maida and baking powder and gradually add the flour to the egg batter.Then add all the caramelized sugar,essence,coffee powder,red wine,garam masala powder,jam,nutmeg powder,fennel powder and salt.

Bend well and then fold in the dry fruits.

Line the baking tray and pour the batter.Bake at 110 degrees celusis for 2 hours.

Let the cake cool for 3-4 hours.Prick the cake with a toothpick and sprinkle ¼ cup of wine.