
About Me

Not much to say about me,just simple,extrovert who loves cooking and tries out new recipes.Loves to watch cookery shows and take recipes from them and try it out at home.My mom was a working women and i used to help her a lot in the kitchen and that was the reason for my interest in cooking.For everyone out there their mom's are first teacher who gives them the first culinary classes,so like everyone it is my mom who taught me cooking.

Been away from India since last 18 years learnt multi-cuisines but favorite been Indian cuisine. I love baking. My kids love the baked goodies so with their encouragement i am taking my baby steps towards baking.

I started this blog in 2009 and has been active for few years. After migrating to Canada i was busy with settling here and didn't blog much in 2014 but planning to start fresh in this year. See you all more often henceforth.

Any doubts, queries,suggestions and remarks please email me a