
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Any Guesses

Can anyone guess this????:((

hint: a disaster

Stuffed Kulcha

I ate kulchas many times at the restaurant,but never made it at home.The day i saw Neha's kulcha i wanted to try it out.So two days back i made stuffed kulcha's at home and it is a instant hit.My hubby and kids liked it so much that today again my daughter asked me to make for her.So again i am making this kulcha.
I have taken the lesser measurement then neha and the procedure is the same.The only thing i did is the addition of potatoes to the onions for stuffing the kulcha.Here goes my recipe......


For Dough:-
1 tsp dried yeast
120 ml warm water
120 ml warm milk
1 tsp sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt or to taste
4 tbsp unsweetened yogurt
2 tbsp canola oil or (any other oil)

For stuffing:-

Potatoes 2 (boiled and mashed)
Onions 1 (finely chopped)
Coriander leaves (finely chopped)
Pudina leaves few (finely chopped)
Red chilly powder 1 tbsp
Amchur powder 1 tbsp
Salt as per taste

Mix all the above ingredients and keep aside.

  1. Put the warm water and warm milk in a plastic bowl and mix. Sprinkle the dried yeast over this mixture and then stir with a spoon. Keep aside for 8-10 minutes. In that time, a froth/ foam will form on top of the liquid mixture.

  2. While the above mixture is getting ready, mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Make a well in the center.

  3. Add the yogurt and oil and then the yeast-water-milk mixture into this well.Mix with your fingertips till the all the flour is assimilated. Now begin to knead the dough. Apply oil to your hand and knead the dough.

  4. Knead till the dough is absolutely smooth. Now cover the dough and keep aside for 2-3 hours. The dough will double in size in this time.

  5. Punch the dough to allow all the air to escape from it. Knead again for 1-2 minutes.

  6. Now divide the dough into equal-sized portions.

  7. Roll each portion between your palms till it forms a smooth ball.

  8. Take one dough ball in your hand and press this ball with your palms and fingers to form a 4" diameter circle. Now place 1-2 tbsps of the filling in the center of this circle and pull ends to close and seal. Now very gently roll into a ball . You could also do this on a lightly floured rolling board. Do this till the Kulcha is about 5-6 mm thick.

  9. Now place it on the hot griddle and cook till bubbles begin to appear on the upper surface. Now flip the Kulcha and cook the other side till pale brown spots begin to appear on it.Apply oil and flip again twice and kulchas are ready to eat.

I made 8 kulchas and i still had much dough left,so i baked few buns with that.The buns came out very well.This was the first time i did these buns.I never knew that this dough can be used to make buns.Will make these buns again and will post the recipe.

Enjoy kulchas.................

Monday, March 30, 2009

Kheema Kofta Curry

For Kofta

Kheema (minced meat) 250gms
Onion 1
Roasted channa dal (putnal pappu) 2 tbsp
Poppy seeds/Khus khus 1tbsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
Chilly powder 1/2 tsp
Egg 1
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Salt as per taste
For Gravy
Onions 2
Green chillies 3
Fresh coconut 1/2 cup (grated)
Cinnamon 2
Clove 2
Tomatoes 1
Red chilly powder 1 tsp
Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
Curry leaves few
Salt as per taste
Oil 3 tbsp
  1. Wash kheema,mix all the ingredients of kofta and grind it to a fine paste.
  2. Make small balls.
  3. Boil one glass of water and slip in the balls.The balls will harden.And strain it.
  4. Make a fine paste of one onion and coconut.
  5. Heat oil in a another pan add onions,cinnamon,cloves and curry leaves.Fry till the onions are brown in colour.
  6. Then add the grounded paste and cook till oil comes out.
  7. Slip in the balls in the above gravy and mix carefully so that kofta's doesn't break.
  8. Add tomatoes and cook for another 3-4 mins.
  9. Add one glass of water and bring to a boil.Then simmer and cook covered for 15-20mts.

This is my m-law recipe.She uses tamarind instead of tomatoes.Some how i am not comfortable with tamarind so i replaced it with tomatoes.We don't get poppy seeds here so i substituted with cashew nuts.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vegetable Noodles


Plain noodles 1 pkt
Vegetables (Carrot,Beans,Peas and Corn)
Onion 1
Soya sauce 1 tbsp
Vinegar 2 tbsp
Pepper powder 1 tbsp
Garlic 3 pods
Oil 3 tbsp
Salt as per taste

  1. Boil noodles with 1 tsp of oil and drain it in strainer and run cooled water on it.
  2. Heat oil,fry garlic and onions on high for 1-2 minutes.
  3. Then add vegetables and toss on a high flame for 4-5 minutes.
  4. Add soya sauce,pepper and salt.
  5. Then add drained noodles and combine well.
  6. Add vinegar and toss noodles and vegetables on a high flame.
  7. Serve hot with chilly sauce.

Hope u all njoyed veg noodles................

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Ugadi and its Delicacies

Happy ugadi to you all.
Ugadi pachaidi,garulu,pulihora and purnalu are the traditional dish done on the ugadi day.My mom used to make other dishes as well but i didn't get much time to do all.
All these i learnt it from my mother.I miss the festive atmosphere back home.Early morning we used to get up put a big rangoli(mugu) in front of the house.Wear new clothes and go to grannies and uncles house and eat the delicacies cooked by granny.This country i hardly have anyone celebrating this festival.Anyways i and my kids had a good time.My elder kid has helped me a lot today.She kept her kid sister busy so that she doesn't disturb me.

Ugadi Pachadi


Raw mango 1cup(finely chopped)
Neem tree flowers 1 tbsp
Jaggery (grated) 1 cup
Honey 1 tbsp
Tamarind paste 3 -4 tbsp
Red chilli pwd pinch
Salt to taste

Mix all the ingredients and added little water.Few don't add water,but i prefer watery.


Urad dal (black gram dal,minappappu) 1 1/2 cup
Ginger 2"
Green chillies 3
Coriander leaves finely chopped
Pudina leaves finely chopped
Onion 1 (finely chopped)
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying

  1. Soak whole black gram dal for 5-6 hours (i soaked over night)
  2. Strain the water from the dal and grind to a paste with ginger,green chillies and salt.Avoid adding water.
  3. Then add chopped onions,coriander leaves and pudina leaves and mix well.Heat oil in a deep frying vessel and the oil should be very hot.
  4. Wet a plastic sheet with little water and take a lemon sized balls and flatten it on the sheet and make a hole in the center so that vada cooks evenly.
  5. Slowly drop the vada in the oil and cook till golden colour and serve hot.
Udat dal 1 cup
Rice 3 tbsp
Toor dal 1 cup
Jaggery 1 1/2 cup
Elachi 2
Salt a pinch
Oil for deep frying
  1. Soak udat dal and rice overnight
  2. Grind udat dal and rice to a fine paste and the consistency should be like a bajji batter.Add little salt to the batter
  3. Pressure cook toor dal until soft.
  4. Add jaggery (crushed) and cook till the mixture is completely dried.Add elachi.
  5. Make small lemon sized balls and dip it in the batter.
  6. Leave purnalu in the oil and fry till golden colour.And take it on a tissue.
Jaggery can be adjusted according to the taste.
Pulihora/Tamarind Rice

Salt as per taste
Turmeric 1/2 tsp
Tamarind 1/3 cup (pulp)

For seasoning

Channa dal few
Udat dal few
Rai few
Red chilly 2
Curry leaves few
Peanuts roasted
Sesame seeds(nuvulu) 4 tbsp (roasted and powdered)
Green chillies (slited)
Salt as per taste
Ginger 1"
Oil 5 tbsp

  1. Cook rice.Add turmeric powder and mix thoroughly.
  2. Heat oil add all the seasoning except peanuts and sesame seeds.
  3. Add tamarind pulp and salt and cook till the raw smell of tamarind disappears.
  4. Lastly just before taking the pulp from the stove add sesame seeds powder and roasted peanuts.the pulp should be thick but flowing paste.
  5. Pour this pulp on the rice how much you require and mix thoroughly.
This Tamarind pulp can be stored in the refrigerator for long and can be used when required.I usually store this for 10-15 days.
Have a great day.................................

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mixed Vegetable Paratha

Wheat flour 2 cups
Porridge oats 1/2 cup


Carrot 1
Beans 6
Peas few
Corn few
Potatoes 2
Panner grated 1/4 cup
Green chillies 2
Coriander (whole) 1 tbsp
Amchur powder 1 tbsp
Salt as per taste
  1. Make soft dough with wheat flour,oats and salt.
  2. Cut all the veggies and pressure cook for 2-3 whistle
  3. Strain water and add coriander,panner,green chillies,amchur powder and salt.Mash potatoes and mix thoroughly.
  4. Roll out equal size rotis,spread the stuffing and close with another roti.Slightly press it with hand and fry it on a non-stick tava.

I usually make this with veggies,but i saw mahima has added panner in this,so added panner.The taste is awesome.It is a instant hit with my kids.

Enjoy veg paratha.........................................

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Caramel custard


Milk 1 1/2 cup
Egg 1
Sugar 1/2 cup
Vanilla essence 2 drops
Bread 2
Custard Powder 2 tbsp
Sugar for caramel 1 tsp


  1. Mix egg and sugar until creamy
  2. Add milk little by little and mix well.
  3. Add custard powder to the milk and mix well.Add vanilla essence and mix well.
  4. Take 1tsp of sugar in the custard mould(if you don't have custard mould than use any steel utensil will do) with 1 tbsp of water.Keep over a low flame and cook till sugar becomes brown and charred.
  5. Mask the sides of the mould with the caramel
  6. Pour the milk and egg mixture and cut the bread into four and put on the egg mixture.
  7. Cover the mould and pressure cook till you get 3 whistle.
  8. Unmould and serve.

This is my m-law's recipe.Sometimes i dont use custard mould,i just use the steel utensil.

Enjoy my carmel custard...........................

Monday, March 23, 2009

Egg curry


Eggs 4 (boiled)

Tomatoes 4 (big)

Onions 1

Green chillies 2

Zeera 1/2 tbsp

Coriander powder 1/2 tbsp

Garam masala powder 1/2tsp

Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp

Red chilly powder 1/2 tbsp

Turmeric 1/4 tbsp

Oil 2 tbsp

Salt as per taste


  1. Boil eggs and remove yellow part.Slice eggs and keep it aside
  2. Make tomato paste with two tomatoes and keep it aside
  3. Heat oil,add zeera and onions and fry until onions are brown in colour.
  4. Add ginger garlic paste and saute till ginger garlic are cooked.
  5. Then add tomatoes and saute for 3-4 min and add tomato paste,saute for another 3-4min
  6. Add turmeric powder,green chillies,red chilly powder,coriander powder,garam masala and salt.
  7. Cook till tomatoes leaves oil.Then add sliced eggs and saute very gently so that egg doesn't break.Cook till the gravy coats the egg slices.
  8. If required add little water.I added water because i wanted some gravy to be eaten with rice,if this curry in made for rotis then no need to add water.

This egg curry goes to Event for Eggs hosted by Here I Cook

I got this recipe from a tv show.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kobari Palli Pachadi (Coconut Peanut Chutney)

I always get bored of eating the same chutney and searched for a chutney recipe in pooja's blog.She has got a wonderful blog and many varied recipes.


Coconut(fresh) 1 cup
Peanut 1/2 cup (roasted)
Green chillies 2
Tamarind little
Garlic pods 2
Salt as per taste
Rai few
Udat few
Zeera few
Curry leaves
Oil 1tbsp
  1. Fry green chillies in oil.
  2. Grind coconut,peanuts,green chillies,garlic,tamarind and salt
  3. If required add little water
  4. Season with rai,udat,zeera and curry leaves.
Made this chutney to eat it with wheat dosa.The combination was excellent.Thanks pooja for sharing the recipe with us.

Enjoy my chutney........................

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My 50th post with Rasgulla

It is pathetic to know that fellow bloggers do plagiarism.I have read a lot about this and the latest victims are Mahima of Indian Vegetarian Kitchen and Usha of Usha nandini recipes. Inspite of water marking the images the blogger who copied there images was smart enough to crop the image and put her name on the images.I feel sorry for Mahima and Usha whose work has been copied.Just check the images below

This image is Mahima's
This is cropped by her
This is Usha's
This is cropped and watermarked image
This image is from a site

Watermarked by her
This image is from veegiescookbook

Watermarked and cropped image
No hard feelings i just want to share with all my fellow bloggers how our images can be copied inspite of watermarking and writing about copy writes.I wish anyone of us will find a solution for this plagiarism.


Now coming to my 50th post.I made rasgulla few days back when hubby's friend came here for a holiday.I got this recipe from Manjula's kitchen.She has shown it so well in the video that i didn't made any mistake and rasgulla came out very well.Unfortunately i didn't give this to my kids as both were down with fever.I will make this again for them.


Food colour (Optional and my addition)
Safforn (optional and my addition)


  1. Boil milk.Add lemon and boil till it breaks
  2. Strain the curdle milk in a strainer and then wrap in a cloth and hang it,so that all the water drips out
  3. Take a cooker,add water and sugar.Let it boil for sometime.
  4. Kned the panner till your hands are oily.Divide the dough into three equal parts and add food colour to two parts and make small size balls as seen in the picture below
5.Slowly drop these balls in the boiling sugar syrup.And close the cooker and wait till u get one whistle and switch of the stove.

6.Open the cooker and take out rasgullas which has doubled the size in a bowl.Add safforn (soaked in warm water) and refrigerate till you serve it.
I have not given the quantities because i took it approximately.Check Manjula's kitchen for the quantity.The only measurement i took was for 2 glasses of water i added 1 glass of sugar.
Hope you all enjoyed my rasgullas............

Friday, March 20, 2009

Semiya Sausages Upma


Semiya (Vermicelli) 250gms

Chicken Sausages (frozen) 3 nos

Onions 1 no

Green chillies 2 nos

Tomato 1 no

Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp

Pepper powder 1/2 tbsp

Cinnamon 1 no

Clove 1 no

Curry leaves few

Oil 3 tbsp

Salt as per taste


  1. Fry Cinnamon,cloves,then add onions,green chillies and curry leaves.

  2. When onion turns pink in colour add tomatoes.Cook till tomatoes start leaving the oil.

  3. Now add ginger garlic powder and saute till the ginger garlic leaves the raw smell.

  4. Then add sausages and saute for another minute.Now cover and cook till it is semi dry and sausages are cooked well.

  5. Add semiya (vermicelli) and mix thoroughly.Saute for 2-3 minutes.

  6. Add water (i added for 1 glass of semiya 1 1/2 glass of water).

  7. Cover and cook till the semiya is cooked and water has dried.

  8. Last add pepper powder and mix thoroughly.

I saw this recipe in a magazine in muscat, from then i make this upma very regularly.Before i saw this recipe my upma was always a disaster.Always i used to get lumps or it used to get burned.I thank the person who wrote the recipe in that magazine.

Enjoy my semiya sausages upma.............................

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mixed Vegetable Pickle

Mixed Vegetable pickle is one of the favourite pickle of my family after mango pickle.I always buy this from the stores.In hyderabad my friend used to get this pickle in his lunch box.He always used to get more for me,i just love this pickle.I googled it and got the recipe from one of the sites.From now onwards i will stop buying it as my kids and hubby liked the pickle made by me.Here comes the recipes:-

Beans 6-7
Carrot 2
Mango 1
Cauliflower 10florets
Peas (fresh) 1/2 cup
Small onions 10
Green chillies 3
Salt - as per taste
Red Chilly Powder - 2 tbsp
Turmeric Powder - 1 tbsp
Mustard - 2 tsp
Cumin Seeds - 2 tsp
Fenugreek - 1 tsp
Asafoetida - 1 tsp
Oil - 10tbsp
Lemon Juice - 1 big
Ginger(chopped) - 1 inch
Garlic(chopped) - 25 cloves
1.Chop all the Vegetable and wash it and dry it in the sun for 2-3 hrs.
2.Fry mustard, cumin seeds, asafoetida, and fenugreek without oil. Grind them into fine powder. Set aside.
3. In a frying pan heat the oil 1 tsp of mustard when it pops add chopped ginger, chopped garlic and chopped green chilies and saute for 2 minutes.
4. Add vegetables and cook till they are cooked. Add red chilly powder and turmeric powder. Mix thoroughly.
5. Lastly add grounded masala powder,salt and lemon juice.
6. Keep the pickle in cool,dry place.
I have taken the exact measurement mentioned in this recipe.I lost the site address as i copied the recipe and pasted in my drafts.Whose ever the recipe is i thank her/him.

Enjoy the pickle..........................

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jeera Rice and Chicken - hubby's special

Sometimes i get bored of eating food cooked by me.I am sure some of you may also feel the same.Last friday i announced that i won't cook today,so hubby dear said he will cook his bachelor recipes.He made zeera rice and chicken curry.Here is the recipe:-

Zeera rice


Rice 500gms
Onions 2
Green chillies 3
Jeera 3 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste 1tbsp
Cinnamon 1
Clove 2
Vegetable stock 1 cube
Salt as per taste
Oil 4 tbsp

  1. Fry Cinnamon,clove,jeera.Add onions,green chillies and fry till they turn pink in colour
  2. Add ginger garlic paste and fry till it is cooked.
  3. Then add veg stock and saute so that it doesn't stick to the bottom of the vessel.
  4. Add rice and salt,mix thoroughly.
  5. Add water (for 1 glass of rice 2 glass of water)This measurement varies according to the rice used.
  6. Cook it on a low flame until cooked.



Chicken 500gms

Onions 1

Green chillies 2

Curry leaves few

Coriander powder 2tbsp

Pepper powder 1 tbsp

Whole pepper few

Cinnamon 1

Clove 1

Ginger garlic paste 2 tbsp

Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp

Oil 2 tbsp

Salt as per taste


  1. Fry all the masala and curry leaves,onions and green chillies.
  2. Add chicken,coriander powder,turmeric powder,pepper powder and salt.
  3. Then add ginger garlic paste and mix thoroughly.
  4. Cover and cook on slow flame.If needed add little water.

When i asked him what is the name of the curry he said he doesn't know,but this was a regular chicken curry he used to make when he was a bachelor.It's taste is similar to chettinad chicken.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Palak Paneer

There won't be anyone who doesn't like palak panner.I used to eat almost everyday when i was pregnant with my 1st child.I make this curry very often and keep on doing some or the other experiments.I don't use tomatoes as my doctor cousin told me not to combine tomatoes and palak, when eaten together they form stones hence my version of palak panner doesn't have tomatoes.

Palak 2 cups(chopped)
Kasuri menthi 4-5 tbsp
Onions 2
Panner 10-15 small cubes
Zeera 1 tbsp
Cinnamon 1
Clove 1
Garam masala 1/2 tbsp
Red chilli powder 1/4 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste 1/2 tbsp
Lemon juice 2tbsp

  1. Chop onions and fry till onions turn pink in colour.Cool it and grind to a fine paste
  2. Blanch palak and kasuri menthi and grind it to smooth paste.
  3. Deep fry panner cubes and keep aside.
  4. Heat oil add clove,Cinnamon,zeera and ginger garlic paste.Saute till ginger garlic paste is cooked.
  5. Add brown onion paste and saute till oil comes out.
  6. Add salt,garam masala powder and red chilly powder.Saute for 2 mins.
  7. Then add palak paste and if needed add little water.
  8. Cook on a low flame for 3-4mins and add panner cubes
  9. Cook till gravy is little thick.
  10. Just before serving add lemon juice.
I hope you all will enjoy my version of palak panner.I got many compliments for this curry.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Vegetable Pulao and Palak Raita


Basmati Rice 500gms
Potatoes 2
Beans 6
Carrot 2
Fresh peas few
Onions 2
Green Chillies 2
Milk 1 cup
Oil 5-6 tbsp
Cloves 2
Cinnamon 2
Ginger and garlic paste 1tbsp
Bay leaf 2
Salt as per taste

  1. Boil all vegetables and keep aside
  2. Heat oil,add all the masala,saute for 2 min
  3. Then add onions and green chillies,saute it onions are fried
  4. Add Ginger garlic paste and saute for another 5-6mins.
  5. Now add water and milk (for 1glass of rice add 1/2glass of milk + 1/2glass of water)
  6. When rice is half cooked add the cooked vegetables and salt.
  7. Cook on a low flame until rice is cooked and there is no water left.
Palak Raita

Palak few leaves
Curd 1 cup
Salt as per taste
Chat masala 2 tbsp
  1. Boil palak and mash it
  2. Beat curd add salt and palak
  3. Just before serving sprinkle chat masala

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Gobi Panner Paratha


Wheat flour 2 cups
Porridge oats 1/2 cup


Cauliflower grated 1 cup
Panner grated 1 cup
Green chillies grated 2
Amchur powder 1 tbsp

  1. Make soft dough with wheat flour,oats and salt.

  2. Mix cauliflower,panner,green chillies,salt and amchur powder

  3. Roll out a thick roti.Place 2tbsp of the stuffing and close the edges

  4. Flatten it and dust it with more flour and roll out until the stuffing is not seen.
  5. Fry on non-stick tawa.
I always used to make paratha in a different method ie making two rotis spreading the stuffing on one roti and covering it with another.This is first time i made the paratha this way. I had porridge oats at home and we were not eating,i dont remember where i read about adding oats to wheat flour when making roti.I served paratha with curd and chat masala

Friday, March 13, 2009

Egg Dosa and Bread Dosa

Egg Dosa

This dosa is the most favourite lunch box tiffin of my daughter.when ever i have dosa batter i make this dosa from my daughter.


Dosa Batter
Egg 1
Salt little
Pepper little

  1. Make a regular dosa on the tava.Put the stove on low flame.
  2. Break egg slowly on the dosa. Now with a flat spoon spread out the white all over the dosa slowly and carefully.
  3. Sprinkle pepper and salt to taste. Pour oil all around the dosa.
  4. Cook for a minute or till the egg is done.
Bread Dosa

Bread slices - 3 or 4
Dosa batter - 1 cup.
Green chillies - 2 (optional)
Onions - 1 finely chopped (optional)

  1. Mix onions and green chillies and coriander leaves to the dosa batter.
  2. Heat the tawa, when hot smear with oil.
  3. Dip the bread slices in the dosa batter and place it on the tawa.
  4. Smear some oil around the bread slice.
  5. Cook till it is golden brown on both sides.
I have not used onions and green chillies as my kids dont eat.I served bread dosa with tomato sauce.They liked it a lot.