
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Stuffed Kulcha

I ate kulchas many times at the restaurant,but never made it at home.The day i saw Neha's kulcha i wanted to try it out.So two days back i made stuffed kulcha's at home and it is a instant hit.My hubby and kids liked it so much that today again my daughter asked me to make for her.So again i am making this kulcha.
I have taken the lesser measurement then neha and the procedure is the same.The only thing i did is the addition of potatoes to the onions for stuffing the kulcha.Here goes my recipe......


For Dough:-
1 tsp dried yeast
120 ml warm water
120 ml warm milk
1 tsp sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt or to taste
4 tbsp unsweetened yogurt
2 tbsp canola oil or (any other oil)

For stuffing:-

Potatoes 2 (boiled and mashed)
Onions 1 (finely chopped)
Coriander leaves (finely chopped)
Pudina leaves few (finely chopped)
Red chilly powder 1 tbsp
Amchur powder 1 tbsp
Salt as per taste

Mix all the above ingredients and keep aside.

  1. Put the warm water and warm milk in a plastic bowl and mix. Sprinkle the dried yeast over this mixture and then stir with a spoon. Keep aside for 8-10 minutes. In that time, a froth/ foam will form on top of the liquid mixture.

  2. While the above mixture is getting ready, mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Make a well in the center.

  3. Add the yogurt and oil and then the yeast-water-milk mixture into this well.Mix with your fingertips till the all the flour is assimilated. Now begin to knead the dough. Apply oil to your hand and knead the dough.

  4. Knead till the dough is absolutely smooth. Now cover the dough and keep aside for 2-3 hours. The dough will double in size in this time.

  5. Punch the dough to allow all the air to escape from it. Knead again for 1-2 minutes.

  6. Now divide the dough into equal-sized portions.

  7. Roll each portion between your palms till it forms a smooth ball.

  8. Take one dough ball in your hand and press this ball with your palms and fingers to form a 4" diameter circle. Now place 1-2 tbsps of the filling in the center of this circle and pull ends to close and seal. Now very gently roll into a ball . You could also do this on a lightly floured rolling board. Do this till the Kulcha is about 5-6 mm thick.

  9. Now place it on the hot griddle and cook till bubbles begin to appear on the upper surface. Now flip the Kulcha and cook the other side till pale brown spots begin to appear on it.Apply oil and flip again twice and kulchas are ready to eat.

I made 8 kulchas and i still had much dough left,so i baked few buns with that.The buns came out very well.This was the first time i did these buns.I never knew that this dough can be used to make buns.Will make these buns again and will post the recipe.

Enjoy kulchas.................


  1. Delicious Kulchas, love them! :)

  2. Kulchas look lovely ra...thats a great idea to bake the bun with leftovers...good job.

  3. Kulchas are looking great varunavi..Buns are perfect...

  4. kulchas looks simply superb dear yum yum

  5. Looks soft and delicious! Good job Varunavi! :)

  6. I just love this...looks delicious.

  7. love the kulchas very much.....I never made them ...will try definetly...good one yar!

  8. @Asha thanx
    @Deepa hari thanx
    @Pooja thanx
    @Rekha thanx
    @Poornima thanx
    @Vishali thanx
    @Priya thanx

  9. Kulchas looks great Varunavi, love the buns too..thats a good job!


Pls post your comments and your feed back will help me to try out new recipes and post it here in my blog