
Friday, February 12, 2010

Date and Walnut Tea Loaf

Its been long i didn't blog.It's not that i lost interest in my blog or i am not getting time.My laptop has gone for repair and i am yet to get it back even after 13 days.I am totally cutoff from my virtual world of blogging and my virtual friends.This friday hubby brought his laptop home.I have scheduled few post for this week and i wont be able to blog from sunday.From 25th feb daughter is having her first annual exams so i am planning to take a long break from blogging.I will come back after my vacation in march,until then will schedule post on fridays and saturdays.

Like all food blogs my blog has dishes i cook for my family of four.I don't do anything which is not eaten by everyone in the house.I want everyone to eat the same thing,i am against of cooking differently for each person in the house.So my blog has all the simple dishes which i cook very often.

Everyday i get up 5.00 in the morning as my daughter has to catch her school bus at 6.30.Sometimes i find it hard to decide what to cook for her breakfast.She likes to eat idly,dosa,upma and noodles but i don't send it because by time she eats them,they are cold.So in a week two days i send her cake with some juice and other days i make paratha/ puri / sandwich Almost every week i end up baking cake for her.She loves cakes and i always google for cake recipes or bake from 101 Cakes & Bakes.Here is another recipe from the said book.



Chopped Dates 1 cup
Soda bicarbonate 1tsp
Butter 1/2 cup
Self raising flour sifted 1 1/4 cups
Chopped Walnuts 1/4 cup
Sugar 1/2 cup
Egg 1 beaten
Demerara Sugar 2 tbsp



Mix dates and soda bicarbonate in a large bowl with a pinch of salt.Pour in a large bowl 3/4 cup hot water,stir well and leave until cold.

Pre-heat microwave oven to 180 degrees.Butter loaf tin and sprinkle some flour.

Rub butter pieces into pieces into the flour until the mixutre resembles coarse breadcrumbs.Stir in the walnuts and sugar until evenly combined.

Tip the flour mixture and the egg into the cooled dates.Beat well to mix,then pour into the prepared tin and sprinkle demerara sugar on top.

Bake in the microwave oven for 50 minutes on 180 degress.

This cake tasted good after two days.



  1. wow - lucky daughter. cake for lunch! cake looks beautiful...

  2. Wow...looks like you have a tight schedule...all the best for your daughter's exams..This is a very healthy bread...looks perfect and moist too :)

  3. Loaf looks moist and delicious!

  4. I also sometimes send cakes as lunch for my family! This cake is so lovely! I'll try it!

  5. Wow...that's an yummy cake....cake for lunch...iam all in for it...


Pls post your comments and your feed back will help me to try out new recipes and post it here in my blog