
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mango Date Yogurt

 Nothing like having fruit yogurt after a delicious meal.In store there is not much choice of fruit yogurt.We get only strawberry fruit yogurt.In dubai we used to have quite a few varieties of fruit yogurt but not here.So i thought of making fruit yogurt at home.The combination of mango and dates are too good to express and that too topping of raisins and walnuts enhanced the taste of the fruit yogurt.Here is the recipe which is quite simple and can be done in a jiffy.

Ingredients :-

Yogurt 2 cups
Mango 2 cups
Dates 10-12 dates (De-seeded and chopped finely)
Honey 4 tbsp
Sugar 4 tbsp

Serves four


Whip the yogurt.Take dates and mango in a glass.Sprinkle 1 tbsp sugar over it.

Slowly add the whipped yogurt.Then add honey.Sprinkle walnuts and raisins.Can be eaten or else leave it the refrigerator for a while and have it chilled.


  1. This sounds so simple and fab! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Wow wat a healthy and super delicious yogurt, love this yummy combo.

  3. Awesome combination with yogurt. I love both the nut and the dry fruit with yogurt.

  4. Add a taste value to the yogurt, with mango. Nice one.

    I blog @ Manidipa's Kitchen

  5. Hi dear the mango drink looks yummy. I am your new follower do visit my space in your free time.


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