
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Orange Kiss-me cake

I almost bake every week. In school kids see other kids eating cookies and cakes which are store brought. i don't like store brought cake or cookies. So i end up baking a simple cake for the full week which i send to their school for snack time. I give them good lunch and the cake goes as snack.

Recently when i went to Sears outlet here i chanced upon Best of Pillsbury Bake-Off book. And i just loved the contents in this recipe book. Surely not going to do most of the recipes. But the pics tempted me to buy this book which was on sale. Brought this book last week and ended up doing this recipe.

The main thing in this recipe attracted is the notes on the recipe. It reads like this *Recipe by Lily Wuebel, Redwood City,CA. Bake-Off Contest, New york City, 1950*. So the year attracted me to go through the recipe. It's simple and little different recipe...We all enjoyed the cake and hope you to will enjoy making and eating it. Here goes the recipe :-


Orange 2
Raisins 1/2 cup
Walnuts 1/3 cup
All purpose flour 2 cups
Sugar 1 cup
Baking soda 1 tsp
Salt 1 tsp
Milk 1 Cup
Butter 1/2 cup
Eggs 2

1/3 cup Orange
Sugar 1/3 cup
Cinnamon 1 tsp
Walnuts chopped 1/4 cup


Heat over to 350 degrees F. Grease pan with butter and lightly with flour.

Squeeze orange from one orange and another orange peel. Remove seeds if any and grind orange with raisins and walnuts.

In a large bowl beat eggs until fluffy. Add butter and other cake ingredients. Beat all with electric mixer on low speed util moistened. Then beat on medium speed for 3 minutes. Stir in orange raisin mixture. Pour batter into pan.

Bake for 35-45 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Drizzle one orange juice over the warm cake.

In small bowl mix sugar  and cinnamon. Stir in 1/4 cup walnuts. Sprinkle over the cake. Cool completely about 1 hour.

1 comment:

Pls post your comments and your feed back will help me to try out new recipes and post it here in my blog