
Friday, January 02, 2015

Sabudana Vada

When i was newly married and re-located to oman i was so bored sitting at home and wait for someone to talk to me. Having worked after collage and never left alone at home i used to get so depressed. In oman you  wont be able to go alone unless you have driving licence and a car. I newly wedded went to oman was not intended to take licence. Only entertainment i had was TV and me not found of watching serials. I carried few recipes books and husband used to get magazines for me to read. So my favorite pass time was to cook. They were few disasters which husband still remembers after 14 years. So many marks of burns on the hands and which i longer have on my hands. And i remember few recipes which i used to do very often and my favourite too. One among them was Sabudana vada which i got from a monthly magazine. That magazine used to have four indian recipes every month and i used to save the paper cuttings. I still have them in hyderabad. Here goes the recipe:-


Sabudana or Sagobiyam 1 cup
Butter milk 2 cups
Grated potato 1
Onions finely chopped 1
Green chillies 2
Rice powder 4-5 tbsp
Red chilly powder 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil for deep frying


Soak sabudana in butter milk for 1-2 hrs.

Take the soaked sabudana in a strainer and let the excess liquid drains.

Now mix all the ingredients. If the mixture is too liquid, rice flour can be added.

Heat oil.

Make small patties and deep fry in batches on a medium flame.

Once the patties turn  golden colour drain them on a tissue. These patties didnt take much oil. My tissue didnt had any oil on it.

Serve only hot with any sauce of your choice. When cold these patties become soggy...serve only hot.

1 comment:

  1. That just looks so tempting ... I wish i can get it out of my screen



Pls post your comments and your feed back will help me to try out new recipes and post it here in my blog