
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

New beginning

 It’s almost three years that I updated my blog. Every time I think of starting, I take pictures (bought dslr only for food blogging) and then I don’t do it. Every month I buy memory for my iPad to store my food pictures. In spite of all this I don’t blog.

I have been diagnosed with pre-diabetic it’s not new, but for me it’s a wake Up call. I am quite active by going to gym and counting my steps. Almost everyday I used to take 8000 to 9000 steps. Even during the lockdown I used to walk in the house for alteast 90 minutes. But why I am getting closer to be a diabetic ??

It’s the food. Since working from home and kids at home have been cooking a lot of dishes with white flour or maida and eating deserts. I was so dumb in thinking that jaggery is way better than sugar and no control in eating jaggery. Now the reality has hit me hard and I HAVE to make changes to my eating habits to avoid diabetic medication.  

First thing I did was downloaded a heath app which shows how much I should eat and how much each food items has calories,carbs,fat and fiber.

I stopped eating anything white other than panner,yogurt and milk.

I completely stopped taking tea,replaced it with green tea.

Yoga for one hour 5 to 6 times a week.

Replaced rice with millets. Will be doing posts on that.

And planning to document here what I eat everyday. I have given myself 3 months. It’s been one and a half month and with all these changes I am feeling light. I have reduced a bit but not disclosing here as I want to keep this as suspense until I achieve My ideal weight. For me the most important is reducing my sugar levels and with that I may loose some fat too. 

Bye for now.

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Pls post your comments and your feed back will help me to try out new recipes and post it here in my blog