
Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Award time Hurray...........................

I have been awarded by my friend sandhya of my other blog.So i thought of giving awards to my food blog friends.
Now for the rules:

1) Add the logo of the award to your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs (Only if you like).
4) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blog.

And my award goes to........................

Rekha:- Even before i started my food blog i was very regular to rekha's blog.I have tried many recipes from her blog and they were a big hit in my house.After starting my blog,i started commenting on rekha's blog and one day she also commented on my blog.Then we exchanged our gmail ids and from then onwards there is no looking back.Almost everyday we chat and have fun.One day if i don't see her in my yahoo,i will call her (we exchanged phone numbers as well) and she calls me.Very happy to have a friend like her.

Lubna:-Same here,i used to be very regular to her blog before and even now i am quite regular to her.She has got wonderful recipes in her blog.I had a impression of her that she is a very elder lady who does great recipes and writes very well.But that girl is a kid next door.We chat regularly on yahoo.When i don't see her on yahoo,i hop to gmail to check if she is there.Lubna commented for the first time on my post of Onion Chutney.We both got in touch with each other through rekha.She is the one who changed the look of my blog.I am troubling her even more now by asking her to change it more,which she is doing it for me.Thanx lubna dear.

Pooja:-Pooja first commented on my post of Bobbaralu pulusu.Then i hopped to her blog.She has got a great blog and has many traditional recipes.I have tried her chutneys and they came out very well.One day i got a mail from her on my gmail giving me some links of baking cake which i was looking for.Then we correspond regularly.Thanx pooja dear.

Priya:-Everyone will agree with me that priya is a great cook,who cooks both traditional and international recipes with a ease.She was the first few who commented on my blog.Thanx priya.

Anu Sriram:-Anu sriram of Chandrabagh is also a among the few who commented first on my blog.The first post i saw of hers was the Falafels in pita pockets.I got addicted to her blog,and i visit very often to her blog.Thanx Anu.

Priya :- Priya of Sourashtrain kitchen is a wonderful cook as well a good photographer.Her snaps are too tempting to attempt the recipe.I have not yet tried her recipe but bookmarked few,will be doing it shortly.

Trupti:-Trupti of recipe center is also one the blogger who commented first on my blog.When i hoped to her blog,i was surprised to see my blog name in her blog roll,i didnt believe my eyes.Then i clicked to check whether it is my blog or someone else.thanx trupti.

Asha is such a lovely lady inspite having so many followers,she makes it a point to comment on everyone blog.Her comments are always first on my post.Thanx Asha.

I wish i do some cheating and include more of my friends in the list.I love to read posts of lavanya,Aruna,Sree,Siri,Harini,Amu,Uma,vidhas,Vibhas,Mahimaa,Vishali,Ramya vijaykumar,Pavithra,Deepa,Sharada,Varsha,Meeso,Pornima nair,Prathiba,Rajee,Pavani,Food fanatic,N33ma,Chitra,Srikar's kitchen,Pretty,Priti,Suparna,Destination infinity,Vani,Andhra flavours,and many more.I am sorry if i have omitted anyone,it is not that i am ignoring you but it is out of mistake that i have not included you in my list of friends.I am sorry again.....

Please accept the award and pass it on to the seven of your friends,you can do some cheating:)

Hugs to you all and thanx for making my blog what it is now:)


  1. Congrats on your awards and congrats to the others too :) deserving award!!!

  2. congrats deserve it :)

  3. congrats varunavi, nice award, njoy!!

  4. Congratulatios......You wrote so much about each and everyone...and see my name in that list makes me happy......Thank you for thinking of me and writing such nice words....

  5. Oh, thanks for your kind words about me sweetie. I do my best to keep in touch with everybody who take time to say hi to me every week. I know it takes time and efforts to do that and I return the favor with lots of love.

    Enjoy your award, thanks for mine too. Hugs to you, have a wonderful weekend! :)

  6. Hey... I was blogging now and then for past 4-5 days.. Somehow, felt like 24 hours is not enough for a day :(!! Coming to your blog, i found you already posted 5 of them in just few days! Gr8 work! All of them look delicious!
    Congrats on your award and thanks for thinking about me.. I'm flattered! :) Got a lovely award to start my day! Flying in joy!

  7. Hey Varunavi, Congrats on ur award.....u are lucky to have so many firends ;). Keep rocking!

  8. congrats on your award and thank you so much for award and your lovely words dearhope you get many more success like this keep it up dear

  9. Congrats Varunavi, am speechless and very much happy to read wat u have written about me, am very proud to see my name in that list..thanks a lot for thinking of me and passing this wonderful award to honoured:)

  10. Thanx lubna.U deserve it sweetie......

  11. @Asha thanx a lot and glad that u accepted my award:)

  12. @Anusriram thanx a lot dear and have a great weekend:)

  13. @Vishali thanx
    @Prathiba thanx

  14. @Rekha thanx a lot and wish u the same.

  15. @Priya thanx a lot,ur blog rocks dear.............

  16. Thanks a lot for thinking of me and for your kind words...Pleasant surprise dear...I am going on with cheating like you :) ..I want to share this lovely award with many varunavi..

  17. Congrats congrats to others too...Enjoy the award.

  18. Congrats dear!! :)
    Thank you so much for sharing it with me! :D I'm really very happy to receive it from you... I love your blog too! :) :)
    Thanks for your kind words to me and everyone dear! :D

  19. Congrats! Enjoy ur awards.

  20. congratulations on well deserved award saritha. Love the post and thank you very much for thinking of me.

  21. congrats on your awards! they are cute. thanks for mentioning my name. i am honored.

  22. Congrats on the well deserved award Varunavi! Enjoy!

  23. congrats on the award, Varunavi. well deserved. Enjoy!! :)

  24. Congrats on your awards. U really deserve this.

  25. Congrats n thanks for thinking of my name Varunavi..:)

  26. Hi Varunavi,
    Tha's a cute award and the nominees are really very deserved people....i litreally sprang up my chair when I read my name in the list down there ;) thanks for remembering me dear...I too love to visit ur blog ....actuallllllly will come back to read ur post again .....Thanks sweetie!

  27. congrats dear......and congrats to all others......thanq for your lovely words dear!

  28. Hi V,
    Wanted to read ur post at peace...u've written about each one so well! tha's really very sweet of u...I salute ur flow of affection towards ur foodie blogger friends :) God Bless U! Happy blogging! and Congratulations on ur well deserved award ....and wish u get many many more :)
    Have a great weekend!

  29. Thanx suparna for such a lovely commment.Enjoy ur weekend... and hugs to u

  30. @Aruna thanx dear

    Varsh thanx dear

    Ammu thanx dear

    Superchef thanx dear

    Uma thanx dear

    Mahima thanx dear

  31. @Trupti thanx a lot for accepting, i am honoured.

    Le@HC thanx a lot

    @Pooja thanx a lot

    @Deepa thanx a lot

    @Priya thanx a lot

  32. @Trupti thanx a lot for accepting, i am honoured.

    Le@HC thanx a lot

    @Pooja thanx a lot

    @Deepa thanx a lot

    @Priya thanx a lot

  33. Conrats on the truly deserve it...


Pls post your comments and your feed back will help me to try out new recipes and post it here in my blog