
Monday, April 18, 2011


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Sunnudalu is a traditional Andhra sweet which is made during festivals and baby showers.It is very nutritious and involves very few ingredients.I usually make this for my daughters and everyday without fail i give them one in the evening.Its been a while i made them and i was told by mom and other relatives to make them for my daughter who was hospitalized for 3 days due to high temp and she lost 4 kgs of weight,as such she is thin and now she was become very weak.The good thing is now she is having her summer break from school so i can utilize this time to give her healthy food with enough rest at home.This laddu my mom made for her and here goes her recipe



Udad dal 1 cup
Rice 3 tbsp
Jaggery 1 cup
Ghee 1/4 cup

Dry roast udad dal until light brown colour and remove from the pan as even after switching off the stove the hot pan still fries the dal and dal turns into dark brown colour (it doesn't taste good).Immediately after switching off the flame take the udad dal on a plate and spread it to cool.

In the same pan dry roast rice until light brown colour and add that to the udad dal.

Let both completely cool.

In a mixer grind both into powder not completely soft but a little coarse.

Grind the jaggery on a paper with a mortal (i don't grind jaggery in the mixie as it tends to leave water when grinded with the dal and rice.

Add the jaggery to the dal and rice powder.Now slowly add ghee and make round balls.The amount of powder to take in your palm depends on your palm size.

Let it dry for sometime before you store in a air tight container.


  1. ha ha..I was thinking of posting this 2day and changed my mind at the last minute...urs look yummy...mine is ditto with out rice,but wid nuts..:)

  2. Delicious Dear,love the first click...very tempting.

  3. What a lovely sweet, appears very aromatic too - Hope you little girl feels better soon and is back in fully swing :)

  4. Yummy! Looks very groovy and delicious!

  5. Nutritious laddoos, feel like having some..

  6. Dealicious and healthy ladoo..nice one.

  7. wow, what a great looking laddoos. I love sunnandulu too, but we add sugar instead of jaggery :)

  8. hi varunavi,
    Hope ur daughter is doing good now. My hugs to her :)
    these laddos look yummy, didnt know about this one. Thanks for sharing.
    BTW ur blog looks gorgeous :)

  9. Yummy.can't imagine that how much it will tasty. & it is lovely that will take only a few time to cook.


Pls post your comments and your feed back will help me to try out new recipes and post it here in my blog