
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tomato Bath and 6 years of blogging

Yeah yeah i finished 6 years of food blogging. I have a tendency of getting bored of a thing which i do regularly and my blog doesn't come in that.  I am been in and out of the blogging last year..I am not able to devote much time to the blog as my priorities have changed over the time and its not that i am not interested. Active since last few days and hope to continue blogging. Amen to that.

I was never good in making upma. When mom was here i used to make her do upma and once she left i hardly made it. The other day husband was asking me to do it. So i thought of giving it a try and it did make out well much to my surprise.Here is the recipe :-


Sooji/Semolina/Bombay Rava 1 cup
Onions chopped 1
Green chillies 2 chopped finely
Ginger 2 inch piece and finely chopped
Tomatoes  3 finely chopped
Rai 1/4 tsp
Udat dal 1/4 tsp
Channa dal 1/4 tsp
Cashew nuts few
Curry leaves
Salt to taste
Oil tbsp


Take a pan and dry roast semolina/sooji until the sooji changes colour and leaves nice aroma. Keep aside to cool.

In a pan take oil. Once hot add rai,udat dal, channa dal and curry leaves.

When rai spullter add ginger pcs and cashew nuts.

Saute for  min and add onions. Add salt.

Fry onions until light brown colour and add tomatoes.

Cook until tomatoes are cooked and oil starts forming at the sides.

Add 3 glasses of water. When water starts boiling add sooji slowly and continuously mixing.

Once all the sooji is added mix thoroughly so that lumps are not formed.

Cover and cook for another 3-4 minutes.

Serve hot with gun powder or sugar or with coconut chutney.

Ps:-Its 6 years not 5 apologies.


  1. Congrats on your latest milestone. The tomato bath looks simply awesome and wonderful.

  2. Congrats and keep rocking....

  3. congratualtionsssssssssss on the 6 years.. wowowowowwowo



Pls post your comments and your feed back will help me to try out new recipes and post it here in my blog