
Monday, February 02, 2015

Left over tomato bath patties

Tomato bath is what i am making almost twice a week when i don't have dosa batter. Once or twice i had much tomato bath  left. Once i took it for lunch too. Last time i had i made these patties. Younger kid doesn't like upma but when i made these patties she just loved it.Not much ingredients are required for these delicious patties. Here is the recipe :-


Left over tomato bath/upma 2 small cups
Mozzarella cheese grated 1/2 cup
Bread crumbs 1/2 cup
Amchur powder 1 tbsp
Red chilli powder 1/4 tsp
Oil for shallow frying


Mash tomato bath with cleaned hand. Add chilly powder and amchur powder to it. Mix well.

Make small rounds

Then make a deep hole and stuff in mozzarella cheese

Close the hole and pat into small round shape patties

Spread bread crumbs on a plate. Place a patty on the bread crumbs and coat both side of the patties with the bread crumbs.

Take 3 tbps of oil in a pan.

When hot slowly leave the prepared patties into the oil. Keep the flame in low and fry both the sides until golden colour.

Serve hot with ketchup or sauce. I served it with sweet chutney (store brought).


1 comment:

  1. So tasteful and delicious looking patties that too made out of leftover tomato bath. Looks wonderful.


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